Everything you want to know about becoming a multi orgasmic man is in this gem of a book. . . and sometimes having a guide to lean into and explore the practices of becoming more orgasmic and less ejaculatory is helpful. 

That’s where I come in.

I offer sessions that focus on exactly this, becoming a sexual ninja, focusing on the techniques, skill sets and practices one can harness to begin opening the door to multi orgasmic-ness.

The key is in a solid foundation of skill sets and exploration but the gold is gleaned with practice. Becoming multi orgasmic can come quickly for some men and for others it may take months or longer. Everyone is unique and much depends on your willingness, dedication and regular practices. By no means does mastery happen overnight. It is a beginning platform for you to launch yourself into the journey of multi orgasmic potential.

It is a practice and requires focus, diligence, commitment and long game mind set. 

And to be clear multi orgasmic does not mean multiple ejaculations. It is having the conscious awareness of choosing to retain semen, circulating sexual energy and exquisitely separating ejaculation from orgasm. It is about harnessing your life force energy as fuel for increased vitality and utilizing it toward higher states of consciousness for body/mind/spirit wellbeing beyond the norm.

This book is a must have for every person with a penis. ( see also the Multi Orgasmic Woman and Couples book by same authors ).

YES, it really is possible for men to orgasm without ejaculation. They are two separate events that happen almost simultaneously. 

Most folks understand the male orgasm in terms of ejaculation. But the two are separate processes, controlled by different parts of the brain and the nervous system. If you’re itching to experience multiple orgasms, then you need to know how to handle each reflex independently.

Orgasm refers to the pleasurable sensation we achieve during the height of sexual arousal. Ejaculation revolves around the release of semen. It’s also responsible for the “refractory period,” or the time after ejaculation where a man is often unable to get hard again. It is nature’s way of allowing the body to rest, and reboot. If you can learn to retain ejaculation, you can avoid the exhausting limitations it places on the body’s ability to keep going.

More orgasms! Better pleasure for your partner! Better mind power and body/mind awareness! Increased energy and vitality! Sexual Kung Fu skills!

Did you know that an average ejaculation contains 50-250 million sperm cells? That’s a whole lotta life force and potent energy. 

Did you also know that, according to the Journal of Sexual Medicine the median duration for hetero penis-in-vagina sex is 5.4minutes? That is a tragic fact. Gone are days of 2 pump chump you guys. . . it’s time to up- level. Learning how to consciously run your sexual energy is key. Ninja level awareness and mastery awaits you! Sex dates should be a minimum for 2-3hours. Period. You too can become a marathon lover with control and finesse using your potent sex energy as a way to attain higher states of consciousness and mind/body blowing orgasmic bliss.

And…if you are choosing to ejaculate, how consciously are you doing so? Are you using your powerful jizz to at least set an intention or manifest something into your life? ( ask about sex energy manifesting  if interested ). 

If you’re interested in learning about how to become a multi orgasmic male and want to invest in your sexual health and wellness I can be reached at:

TEXT 250-888-9149

and via email at: